I have read lots and lots about content and copywriting in the last few months. Today I decided to ask myself a question - what is 'content' within the world of writers?
At this stage in my career, profession, work journey; call it what you must, I am interested in doing what I like. That which brings me joy and allows for purpose. I want to see the result of my work reflected in the happy smiles of my clients. That may sound rather twee, but that’s my mission - to have satisfied clients who smile on receipt of the work from my service line.
My Simple and Experiential Definition of Content.
This is purely my definition based on a number of books, articles and blogs that I’ve read, as well as the many podcasts that I have listened to.
Content is:
Written type
Various points of view
More story
Beautifully assembled words
Strategically chosen words (aka SEO)
Questions and answers
Something that I read and enjoy and makes a difference to my everyday existence
Written word
More Story
The Authentic Definition of Content (in writing)
I do realise that my zany definition is not sufficient for the legalists out there. Here is the dictionary definition of content:
In publishing, art, and communication, content is the information and experiences that are directed toward an end-user or audience.
Content is "something that is to be expressed through some medium, as speech, writing or any of various arts”.
The articles or parts contained in a magazine or book
The ideas that are contained in a speech, piece of writing or a film
I must say, that a combination of my definition and the dictionary definition, works well. That’s the reason why I crafted the name of my company. There’s actually a play on the word ‘content’ as I’m sure you may have noticed.
I wrote this brief article mainly because I’m speaking to an audience of newbies; new to the copywriting business.For more information I helpfully suggest visiting the Content Marketing Institute.
For journaling and/or documenting all your content, I recommend visiting this site (EC affiliate conditions may apply at no cost to any of our readers).
To a great day!
