10 tips on how to keep learning with pre- schoolers during the summer months
As the school year draws to a close this is usually the best time to start planning for the next one! It's a busy time, however, it is also a time for reflection, for educators and parents alike.
The preschool years, fly by so quickly and as such a plan for each year is advisable. Make a list, journal. Think about what went well for your child this year, what did he/she accomplish/ What surprised you (in a good way!). What can you learn and build upon for the next year at preschool.
I recall the summer before my daughter moved to 'big school'. She was 3 and a half and I realised that she did not know how to read, but she was capable (please note the emphasis, as I believe in the concept of 'following the child'; if they are ready then they take the next step, nothing forced). I set time aside a few days of every week, during the long summer and taught her all the 26 phonic letter sounds and before she started school in September, she could read 3 letter words confidently and was able to decode and read short stories.
With that anecdote in mind, here are a few pointers to have in place for your preschooler age 2.5 - 5 years:

Potty training (it's time for dry days and night, no more 'accidents")
Teach your child how to capably wash his/her hands
Independent eating and making proper food choices
Ensure that your children can dress themselves, unaided
Teach them to clear up after themselves (ground rules work!)
Teach, review and revise letter sounds (use fun and interactive concepts found in The Pre-K Box
Teach your child how to use a pair of scissors, safely
Introduce writing - tracing with sand, chalk and chalkboard, craoyns, painting etc
Develop vocabulary - use themes and stories
Provide opportunities for them to use their words, speaking confidently to build their self esteem